Your Journey Towards Peace, and Universal Brotherhood
Your Journey Towards Peace, and Universal Brotherhood
THE SPIRITUAL MISSION Your Journey Towards Peace, and Universal Brotherhood
Your Journey Towards Peace, and Universal Brotherhood
The Prayer Of Life !! The Universal Prayer Oh, Kind and Merciful Supreme Lord !! Creator of the Universe, Give me understanding of thee and what is thy will. Grant that I may trust thee and that I may meditate without distraction. Save me from the five passions, Lust, Anger, Greed, Pride, and Attachment. Keep […]
The Universal Prayer
Oh, Kind and Merciful Supreme Lord !!
Creator of the Universe, Give me understanding of thee and what is thy will.
Grant that I may trust thee and that I may meditate without distraction.
Save me from the five passions, Lust, Anger, Greed, Pride, and Attachment.
Keep me under thy protection.
Bless me with divine knowledge,
Reveal how I may serve thy creation without any duality or discrimination.
Bless me that I may pray for all living beings.
Make me the slave of thine slaves.
Oh, Kind and Merciful Supreme Lord.
Gyani Ji. Harbhajan Singh Sandhu.
Phoenix, AZ.
Dharm Kya Hai? What is religion? Religion is a path, a method, and science of understanding the reality of the universe. For humans, it is a birth of the spiritual way of life. In this creation, every human being represents a unique creature. One single person can create the heaven or hell for this planet. In […]
Dharm Kya Hai?
What is religion?
Religion is a path, a method, and science of understanding the reality of the universe. For humans, it is a birth of the spiritual way of life. In this creation, every human being represents a unique creature. One single person can create the heaven or hell for this planet. In the last 300 years, we as humans have developed plentiful useful things in the technical, mechanical, and scientific fields. Thanks to the enormous progress in communication and transportation, , we can reach in a minute any corner of the planet using the high technological tools.
On the other hand, however, we have lost too many things. Most importantly, we have lost the humanity as we have become selfish and aggressive in our quest for power and money.. Everyone thinks “My way is the highway.” Most religions condemn the other religions and manipulate innocent people using concepts of heaven and hell, sin and virtue, good and evil, right and wrong, and prosperity and poverty.
Many divisions on the basis of class, race, ethnicity, religion, language, or caste are a great sadness for the human race. For instance, it is not uncommon that members of the wealthy class think the lower classes do not deserve equal rights. Presently, such a consciousness is causing instability on the planet. Religion is a way to understand and accept that we are all equal as humans. Any other kind of thinking is destructive to both humanity and the environment.
As a religious person, I feel obliged to point out that religious places of worship should be peaceful, safe, and a source of human unity. Instead, we are killing each other in the places of worship on behalf of religion because our religions are not the basis of humanity.
Thousands of years ago, our religion used to be based on humanity. On the contrary, in this unfortunate period, our religion is based on politics. If you question this statement, I suggest you to study all the great religious leaders of the world. Why don’t they stand out against the corrupt politicians? They don’t because currently, politics runs the religions of the world.
If we, as human beings, want to live peacefully, we need to change the definition of religion. When we are born, we begin our life as a human being. However, religion we adopt at a certain age is not a religion of humanity,but rather a religion of community. It’s a beginning of the division of the human race.
Those who would like to live as a human, believe in one God who is the creator of the universe. He created every human equal, neither more nor less. He gave equal rights to all to live independently, without fear of anything, to worship the creator in any way or form preferred. No one has a right to disturb or disrupt an one’s worship.
All creatures have equal relations with the creator. We all share the same soul. Our soul is part of the supreme soul (God). The supreme soul is the life of every soul.
When we start tbelieving God is one, the life of creation, while this universe is the physical manifestation of the One, this is the beginning of “Human Religion” and the first step of the spiritual path. Explaining humanity, spirituality, creation, and creator in one article is beyond anyone’s capacity as this discovery is a life long journey and a subject of exploration Finally, as my 2018 gift to the readers, I am sharing this prayer.
Once a day, find a quiet corner anywhere possible, close your eyes, hold the breath, reach the high conscious mind, and say to God: “Oh my Divine, Why am I separate from you? Banish my mental darkness, so that I can see you in the creation. Give me an understanding of thee, I can dedicate to you and serve humanity without discrimination.”